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Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is a team of hardworking, dedicated individuals who donate their time, effort and experience in a variety of ways to benefit all members of the club. This board is committed to the management of the skating club. Although skating runs from September to March, the board works very hard all year long. The summer is spent preparing all the necessary paperwork and making all the decisions that will determine the success of the following skating season.


2023-2024 Volunteer Board of Directors


Position Name
President Leah Rogerson
Vice President Melanie Klassen
Treasurer Jennifer Van Der Meulen
Secretary Karen Richardson
Membership Chair Teszalyn Roantree
Test Chair Tamara Hessels 
Carnival Chair Heike Martin
Fundraising Chair Shannon Frook
Coaches Rep. Jeannette Shaw
Canskate Chair Jennifer Creamer
Marketing & Communication Chair Emily Schumacher